Ballarat Cleaning Specialists Library

How Frequently Should I Have My Carpets Cleaned?

How Frequently Should I Have My Carpets Cleaned?

Carpet cleaning is an essential part of maintaining a healthy living environment (see our Carpets & Health article). There are many factors that impact how frequently you need to have your carpets cleaned - it becomes a "how long is a piece of string?" type...

Why Does My Carpet Smell Worse After Cleaning?

Why Does My Carpet Smell Worse After Cleaning?

Clean and fresh carpet should smell clean and fresh - so if your nose is telling you that something is off, it shouldn't be ignored. In some cases, it cannot and will not be ignored! Smells can develop over time in carpets from a variety of sources and it is important...

Is Newspaper Good for Cleaning Windows?

Is Newspaper Good for Cleaning Windows?

It is a well known home remedy - newspaper is good for cleaning windows. But is it though? In this article, we are going to focus our attention on the word "good." Good can mean a few things in this context, so we will first itemize those, and then see how newspaper...

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